Are British Shorthair Cats Good With Dogs?

British Shorthair with dog Featured img

When considering compatibility among pets, one common question about British Shorthair cats and dogs often arises – is British Shorthair cat good with dogs? Understanding their interactions and individual personalities will impact decisions when adding another furry member into one’s household.

British Shorthair cats are an excellent choice if you are considering getting a pet for the first time or making them suitable companions for households, including dogs and other animals.

They are tranquil and amicable, making them one of the most agreeable cats to coexist with. These are highly accommodating as housecats and have no qualms about sharing their living area with other animals.

Key Takeaways

  • British Shorthair cats are generally good with dogs due to their patient and social nature.
  • Preparing for coexistence between cats and dogs is important for a smooth transition.
  • While challenges may arise, proper preparation and management can help ensure a peaceful household.
Also Read: Female Vs Male British Shorthair Cats

Are British Shorthair Cats Good With Dogs?

Certainly! British Shorthair cats’ friendly and patient demeanor makes them too compatible with dogs.

shorthair with Dog

And if you’ve come across the page, you likely have inquiries about introducing a dog to a household with a BSH cat, Or the opposite way around. If you’re considering getting a cat to add to your family of dogs, or if you currently have a BSH cat and are considering bringing home a new puppy, you might want to gather some information first.

Can Dogs and Cats Be Friends?

I would confidently answer “yes” to the query. However, some considerations are essential. The harmony between them largely depends on the dog’s breed and temperament. Certain temperaments and breeds for a BSH cat to bond with others will be more agreeable. The BSH cat is renowned for its calm and composed nature.

Despite not being overly clingy, the cat is affectionate and friendly, enjoying the companionship of other cats, humans, and even dogs. A positive aspect of the BSH cat is its accommodating demeanor. Instead of responding aggressively when annoyed by another pet, it will wait for things to settle down and remove itself to a safe distance.

Dog and cat can be Friends

British Shorthair cats have a patient and enduring temperament, so they won’t react aggressively to behaviors that might provoke a dog to strike them on the nose. This makes them a great choice for households with children.

They are intelligent creatures who enjoy playing games and interacting with dogs. Having a dog as a playmate can be highly beneficial for British Shorthairs. It helps keep them active and entertained, preventing them from becoming lazy as they age. So, if you’re looking for a friendly and playful pet, consider getting a British Shorthair cat.

Indeed, dogs can positively influence the typically inactive nature of British Shorthair cats. However, the dog’s temperament is a crucial factor in preventing tensions. It is generally advised not to allow a cat to coexist with a dog with aggression and a strong instinct to hunt.

Some dogs, even if they are friendly, can cause problems for cats with poor boundaries. This includes the British Shorthair, a patient and tolerant breed.

Also Read: Are Domestic Shorthair Cats Affectionate?

How to Introduce a British Shorthair with Your Dog

When you initiate the process of introducing your two beloved companions to each other, do it step by step. While it’s beneficial if your dog has engaged with cats from an early age, even if they haven’t, your odds of success can improve significantly if you maintain a calm and patient demeanor throughout the process.

Below are the things that you should follow:

  1. It is important to keep the animals separated and establish specific areas for each one.
  2. Start with short visits and gradually increase their duration over time.
  3. It is important to distribute your focus evenly.
BSH with Dog

It’s best to wait to place your new pet after your old one after you bring it home. The newcomer pet will need time to get used to their new home. Your cat and dog will also need to get used to the scent of their new furry friend.

You should also get:

  • Different beds
  • Separate toys
  • Separate food & water bowls

Start with brief introduction, then extend

Start with brief visits, keeping your dog firmly on a leash and close to you. Let them see each other only at this stage and refrain from physical contact. Do not punish your dog if it misbehaves or gets overly excited. The dog associates the cat with negative emotions, which can be challenging to overcome. Reward good behavior and separate them if one shows aggression or the interaction becomes stressful.

Start with brief introduction, then extend

You can start bringing them closer, but don’t allow any kind of physical contact right now. First, you want your dog and cat to become familiar with each other. You will need to be patient, but you’ll see the progress

Give each pet equal playtime

photo of a happy young woman playing british shorthair cat

When your dog and British Shorthair feel comfortable with each other, begin playing and petting with them. Give them both equal attention to avoid any jealousy.

Please don’t force them to stay together too long when they begin interacting. Each meeting should be brief and enjoyable for everyone. Every visit can be a little longer.

Let your cat go and observe how both react. Make sure to keep your dog on a leash to be able to react quickly if anything goes wrong. Repeat until your dog and British Shorthair are friends.

Also Read: Do British Shorthair Cats Like Cuddles?

Food rivalry

You will find that your dog is often interested in the British shorthair’s food bowl and vice versa. This could lead to a fight between pets over food. One pet might eat the entire bowl, while the other may only get insufficient portions.

It would be best to feed your canine and feline friends at different times, and separate bowls should be removed once the food is finished. You can also keep your cat’s food bowl high and out of reach.

Selecting the Ideal Dog Breed for a Household with a BSH Cat

It is important to remember that if your British Shorthair is around aggressive and large dogs with a history of attacking smaller animals, it could be potentially dangerous and should be avoided. Such dogs may pose a serious risk of harming or even causing your cat’s demise. Instead, it is advisable to opt for breeds that display a social and non-aggressive nature.

kitten with puppy

Certain breeds originally developed for sports can match a BSH cat well. Toy group breeds, in particular, are even better suited due to their small size, non-threatening appearance, and caring and affectionate dispositions.

Conversely, Breeds that were specifically bred for herding may not be the most suitable choice. While intelligence is beneficial, dogs with herding instincts may bother cats by attempting to guide and control them, which could lead to conflicts.

Similarly, If you have cats, having a dog trained to hunt smaller animals like terriers may not be a good idea. Although I have a soft spot for Jack Russells, I must acknowledge that their lively behavior can be disconcerting for a cat.

Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that breed alone is not the sole determining factor. If a dog is well-trained and properly socialized, it can get along great with a BSH cat, even if they are from different breeds that are supposedly “incompatible.”

For a British Shorthair, the best dog companion would be one that has been socialized with cats during its early stages and taught to respect personal space and boundaries when told To retreat or withdraw from a situation. With this consideration in mind, let us examine particular breeds that could form a peaceful relationship.

Top Companion Dog Breeds for a BSH Cat


If you’re looking for a dog breed that can coexist peacefully with your BSH cat, the Beagle is a great option. Despite being originally bred as a hunting dog, they have a long history of being social and getting along well with other animals, including cats. Their ability to adapt and interact with various creatures makes them an excellent choice.


Although border collies are typically part of the herding group, they have been known to develop positive relationships with British Shorthair cats. They can coexist peacefully if the dog’s natural herding instincts can be redirected away from the cat.


cat with labrador

Although larger in size, labradors are known for their friendly and affectionate nature. They are naturally inclined to protect and care for smaller creatures, including cats. Labradors not only love playing games, but they also enjoy cuddling with cats during nap time.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises are a beloved option for those who own cats because of their loving and exceptionally amiable disposition. However, their tendency to become overly clingy can occasionally bother more reserved BSH cats. Nevertheless, they generally make for a match.


These cute little dogs called Papillons are known for their friendly and lovable personality. Given their size, aggression is seldom an issue. These individuals can be characterized as social butterflies, succeeding in a house with many animals to interact with.


Being smaller and bred for companionship, Maltese dogs make lovely pets for households with cats. Their playful, amiable, and affectionate temperament blends well with the British Shorthair’s personality without being overpowering.

Improving the Relationship Between Your BSH Cat and Dog: Practical Tips

Before introducing a cat to a home with a dog when you have a BSH cat, planning and preparing in advance is crucial. This approach guarantees a seamless transition and minimizes potential conflicts between the animals. Failing to do so can result in unnecessary stress for both pets.

The BSH cat often feels anxious and fearful due to constant harassment by the dog. Whenever the dog enters the room, it feels a strong urge to hide under the table and on top of cupboards. On the other hand, the dog must experience constant frustration, being confined to a creature it naturally wants to hunt but cannot access.

BSH cat sitting

A careful and gradual introduction program is essential to address this delicate situation. Initially, the dog should be kept leashed or caged while allowing the cat an easy escape route. Placing the animals in different rooms is best to keep them separate.

If your pets don’t get along, gradually reintroduce them using a baby gate to control their interactions. It’s important to take things slow and make sure everyone feels safe. It’s important to show affection and positive behavior for both animals to build trust.

When they have positive interactions, reward them with praise and treats, such as When your actions are good, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate them. You can do this by giving yourself praise and treats. For example, if you accomplish a task, take a moment to recognize and reward yourself.

Also Read: Are British Shorthair Cats Hypoallergenic?

She responds similarly when the dog gives her space and ignores the cat. If your dog seems interested in chasing the cat, it’s best not to punish them. Instead, divert his attention with a toy or engage in a pleasant activity like walking. Always supervise their interactions and never leave them alone together. To ensure your cat’s safety, it is important to keep your dog, and cat separated when you are not home if you have any concerns about the dog possibly harming the cat.

Benefits of having a dog in the home for a British Shorthair cat.

Despite the possible challenges, the appropriate canine companion can be a splendid friend for a British Shorthair cat. This breed tends to be quite reserved but truly relish engaging in games and playing with toys when encouraged. A dog that is well-trained and friendly towards cats can be an ideal playmate for them.

As British Shorthair cats age, they tend to slow down and may become less physically fit. It’s important to provide companionship to keep them active and mentally stimulated. Having a playmate can contribute to their overall health.

The relationship works both ways, and the cat can also benefit the dog. If you want to introduce a British Shorthair to your dog, make sure your dog won’t display aggression towards the cat. Once you do, having the cat around can provide support and comfort for the dog when left alone in the house.

Cat Breeds That Generally Get Along Well With Dogs

BSH is among the top breeds that can get along well with dogs. They possess social, intelligent, and loyal traits, enabling them to bond effortlessly with amiable dogs like humans.

However, other cat breeds can also enjoy the companionship of dogs.

Maine Coon: One such breed is the Maine Coon, known for its large size and friendly nature. These rugged characters from New England exhibit dog-like behavior, enjoying activities like playing fetch and swimming.

Norwegian-Forest-cat: Another longhaired breed, the Norwegian-Forest-cat, makes an excellent match for a lively pup and has a similar temperament as they love playing with dogs.

Abyssinians: Abyssinians are also terrific friends for dogs, as they are highly playful and enjoy interacting with dogs and other pets. Just be prepared to retrieve your dog’s toys, as the “grabby Abbie” might stash them away.

Ragdoll: The cuddlesome Ragdoll is another cat breed that gets along well with almost anyone, including dogs. Their friendly nature and charms can win over even not-so-friendly dogs.

Also Read: How Long Do British Shorthair Cats Live?

Indeed, for individuals who adore cats and dogs, several other sought-after cat breeds make excellent companions. Among them are the adorable blue-eyed Tonkinese, the luxuriously coated Siberian, and the lively and spirited Japanese Bobtail. Notably, the Japanese Bobtail can easily adapt to being taken for walks on a lead, allowing you to enjoy outdoor excursions with your feline and canine friends.


As a cat enthusiast and experienced pet owner, I confidently affirm that British Shorthair can be excellent for dogs. Their calm and composed nature enables them to adapt well to various environments, and their gentle temperament facilitates smooth interactions with others.

Nonetheless, it’s essential to remember that each pet possesses its distinct personality, and compatibility cannot be guaranteed outright. As the saying suggests, “You can’t judge a book by its cover.”

Sometimes, unexpected pet friendships may flourish, resulting in beautiful relationships brimming with companionship and love. With understanding, patience, and proper introduction techniques, there is no reason why dogs and British Shorthair cats cannot coexist harmoniously under the same roof.

Always embark on introductions with an unguarded heart and an open mind—never underestimate the possibility of a profound connection forming between your beloved furry companions.

Also Read: Are British Shorthairs Cats Friendly?

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions:

Do British Shorthairs get along with other cats?

British Shorthair cats typically coexist well with other cats due to their calm nature, though individual dynamics may vary.

What do British Shorthairs not like?

These cats generally prefer a serene environment and might not appreciate excessive noise, sudden movements, or invasive handling.

Are British Shorthair cats good pets?

Indeed, British Shorthair cats make wonderful companions due to their gentle disposition and low-maintenance nature.

Do domestic shorthair cats get along with dogs?

Domestic shorthair cats, much like British Shorthairs, can establish amicable relationships with dogs, contingent on individual personalities and gradual introductions.

What is the personality of a British Shorthair?

British Shorthairs exhibit a calm, composed, and independent personality, making them well-suited for a tranquil household.

What are the best ways to introduce a British Shorthair cat to a dog?

Introductions should be gradual, in neutral territory, with positive reinforcement for calm behavior. Over time, supervised interactions can help establish a comfortable rapport between the two pets.

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